Cambridge Primary Review Trust (CPRT) is commissioning seven new thematic research reviews to supplement the five published in 2014-15 (three now available, two due shortly) and the 28 published between 2007 and 2009 by the Cambridge Primary Review. The Reviews will identify and discuss key strands of evidence relevant to the chosen themes from academic research, inspection and official sources, assessing evidential significance and proposing implications for policy and/or practice in primary education. The themes are:
1. Demographic change, migration and cultural diversity
2. Vulnerable children
3. Education for sustainability and global understanding
4. Recent changes in structures, funding and governance in English primary education
5. Recent changes in primary teacher education and training
6. The continuing digital revolution: impact and implications
7. Autonomy, accountability and quality assurance: lessons from other countries.
Deadline for initial expressions of interest: Friday 24 April 2015. The seven research reviews/reports will be commissioned during May with a view to being published between late 2015 and early 2016. Click here for further information.