Professor Teresa Cremin, Open University, CPRT Co-ordinator, London
Although this network has now closed, it may be continuing its work under different auspices. Contact the former co-ordinator named below.
The London Regional Network relaunched in May 2014. Open to any colleagues interested in evidence-based primary practice, the network currently comprises teachers, head teachers, researchers, ITE lecturers, Local Authority personnel and independent consultants. Jointly run by Teresa Cremin, (Open University) and David Reedy (UKLA), network members are currently developing work in their own contexts which respond to local needs and link to the CPRT priorities.
A London Teachers Reading Group has begun, drawing together teachers to debate CPRT and other research papers, and examine the consequences for the classroom. This is currently led by Teresa Cremin, Amelia Hempel-Jorgensen (Open University) and Roger Mcdonald (University of Greenwich). The first meetings took place on Thursday 11th September and Thursday 13th November at the Open University, Camden. Further meetings have been arranged for: Thursday 3rd December 2015, Thursday 18th February 2016, Thursday 14th April 2016 and Thursday 16th June 2016. If you would like join us at any of these events please contact the CPRT administrator.
A CPRT London Region Schools Alliance is emerging of Outstanding schools who focus on research-informed practice and are independently minded, enquiring organisations committed to the principles of the Trust. If your school is interested in finding out more, please contact Teresa Cremin.
The London Regional Network met on Wednesday 21st January at the Open University, Camden, where the focus was assessment without levels. Iain Erskine (Principal) and Ben Erskine (Vice Principal) of Fulbridge Academy, Peterborough (one of the members of CPRT’s Schools Alliance) discussed how they have implemented a broad and practical approach to assessment without levels, as well as outlined how evidence from CPR has influenced the development of their approach. Read a report on the event here.
If you would like to attend this or any of the other forthcoming events of CPRT London Regional Network and CPRT London Teachers Reading Group, please contact CPRT’s administrator.