The 13 synoptic briefings mark key moments in the progress of the Cambridge Primary Review from October 2007, when it started publishing its findings, to the final report and the May 2010 general election. All the synoptic briefings may be downloaded.
The story starts with the briefing on the community soundings – a report on 87 sessions in different parts of the country with children, teachers, parents and a wide range of community representatives. This report provoked a considerable media and public response which was sustained during the months that followed. Then follow the overview briefings on each group of research surveys, released between November 2007 and May 2008 which are available on Research Briefings and Interim Reports pages.
Next comes a summary of the Review’s initial report and proposals on the primary curriculum, brought forward to contribute to the ill-fated Rose Review in February 2009 and subsequently revised for the final CPR report. Then a four-page briefing on the 600-page final report itself, published in October 2009 and the most important of all the CPR’s publications. The report draws on and discusses the full range of the CPR’s evidence – not only the 28 research surveys but also the 250 community and national soundings, the 1052 formal written submissions and thousands of emails, and the searches and reassessments of official data. The report ends with 78 formal conclusions and 75 recommendations. Finally, distilled from all the post-report dissemination conferences, we have eleven policy priorities for the new government, presented to leaders of the main political parties just before the May 2010 general election.
- Community soundings: the Cambridge Primary Review regional witness sessions
(October 2007 Re-issued July 2014)
Primary Review Community Soundings Briefing - How well are we doing? Research on standards, quality and assessment in English primary education. Overview briefing on research surveys 3/4, 4/1 & 4/2.
(November 2007)
Primary_Review_Standards-quality-assessment_overview_briefing_071102 - Children’s lives and voices: research on children at home and school. Overview briefing on research surveys 5/3, 7/1, 8/1 & 8/2.
(November 2007)
RS_5-3_7-1_8-1_8-2_overview_briefing - Children in primary schools: research on development, learning, diversity and educational needs. Overview briefing on research surveys 2/1a, 2/1b, 5/1 & 5/2.
(December 2007)
RS_2-1a__2-1b__5-1__5-2_overview_briefing_071214 - Aims and values in primary education: national and international perspectives. Overview briefing on research surveys 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 & 1/4.
(January 2008)
RS_1-1__1-2__1-3__1-4_overview_briefing_080118_PU - The structure and content of English primary education: international perspectives. Overview briefing on research surveys 3/1, 3/3 & 9/1
(February 2008)
Primary_Review_RS_3-1_3-3_9-1_overview_briefing - Governance, funding, reform and quality assurance: policy frameworks for English primary education. Overview briefing on research surveys 3/2, 4/3, 10/1 & 10/2.
(February 2008)
RS_3-2__4-3__10-1__10-2_overview_briefing - Primary teachers: training, development, leadership and workforce reform. Overview briefing on research surveys 6/2, 6/3 & 6/4.
(April 2008)
RS_6-2__6-3__6-4_overview_briefing - Learning and teaching in primary schools: processes and contexts. Overview briefing on research surveys 2/4, 6/1 & 9/2.
(May 2008)
Overview_briefing_2-4__6-1__9-2_160508 - Towards a new primary curriculum: a report from the Cambridge Primary Review
(February 2009, revised February 2011)
(October 2009, revised May 2014)
FINAL_REPORT_BRIEFING_REVISED_5_14 - After the election: policy priorities for primary education
(April 2010, revised February 2011)
(May 2011)