Note that all except the first interim report have now been updated, revised and incorporated into either the final report (in the case of the special report on the curriculum) or the research volume. However, all are also still available in their original versions and may be freely downloaded. The interim reports were published in thematic groups rather than singly and this arrangement has been retained below.
The community soundings
(12 October 2007)
Community Soundings: the Primary Review regional witness sessions, Robin Alexander and Linda Hargreaves. ISBN 978-1-906478-00-1.
How well are we doing? Research on standards, quality and assessment in English primary education
(2 November 2007)
Standards and Quality in English Primary Schools Over Time: the national evidence (Research Survey 4/1) Peter Tymms and Christine Merrell. ISBN 978-1-906478-01-8. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 17.
Standards in English primary education: the international evidence (Research Survey 4/2) Chris Whetton, Graham Ruddock and Liz Twist. ISBN 978-1-906478-02-5. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 18.
The quality of learning: assessment alternatives for primary education (Research Survey 3/4) Wynne Harlen. ISBN 978-1-906478-03-2. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 19.
Children’s lives and voices: research on children at home and school
(23 November 2007)
Children’s lives outside school and their educational impact (Research Survey 8/1) Berry Mayall. ISBN 978-1-906478-05-6. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 3.
Parenting, Caring and Educating (Research Survey 7/1) Yolande Muschamp, Felicity Wikeley, Tess Ridge and Maria Balarin. ISBN 978-1-906478-06-3. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 4.
Primary schools and other agencies (Research Survey 8/2) Ian Barron, Rachel Holmes, Maggie MacLure and Katherine Runswick-Cole. ISBN 978-1-906478-07-0. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 5.
Children and Their Primary Schools: pupils’ voices (Research Survey 5/3) Carol Robinson and Michael Fielding. ISBN 978-1-906478-04-9. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 2.
Children in primary schools: research on development, learning, diversity and educational needs
(14 December 2007)
Children’s cognitive development and learning (Research Survey 2/1a) Usha Goswami and Peter Bryant. ISBN 978-1-906478-08-7. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 6.
Children’s social development, peer interaction and classroom learning (Research Survey 2/1b) Christine Howe and Neil Mercer. ISBN 978-1-906478-09-4. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 7.
Children in primary education: demography, culture, diversity and inclusion (Research Survey 5/1) Mel Ainscow, Jean Conteh, Alan Dyson, and Frances Gallannaugh. ISBN 978-1-906478-10-0. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 8.
Learning needs and difficulties among children of primary school age: definition, identification, provision and issues (Research Survey 5/2) Harry Daniels and Jill Porter. ISBN 978-1-906478-11-7. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 9.
Aims and values in primary education: national and international perspectives
(18 January 2008)
Aims as policy in English primary education (Research Survey 1/1) John White. ISBN 978-1-906478-12-4. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 12.
Aims and values in primary education: England and other countries (Research Survey 1/2) Maha Shuayb and Sharon O’Donnell. ISBN 978-1-906478-13-1. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 13.
Aims for primary education: the changing national context (Research Survey 1/3) Stephen Machin and Sandra McNally. ISBN 978-1-906478-14-8. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 10.
Aims for primary education: changing global contexts (Research Survey 1/4) Rita Chawla-Duggan and John Lowe. ISBN 978-1-906478-15-5. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 11.
The structure and content of English primary education: international perspectives
(8 February 2008)
The structure of primary education: England and other countries (Research Survey 9/1) Anna Riggall and Caroline Sharp. ISBN 978-1-906478-17-9. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 14.
Curriculum and assessment policy: England and other countries (Research Survey 3/1) Kathy Hall and Kamil Øzerk. ISBN 978-1-906478-18-6. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 15.
Primary curriculum futures (Research Survey 3/3) James Conroy, Moira Hulme and Ian Menter. ISBN 978-1-906478-19-3. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 16.
Governance, funding, reform and quality assurance: policy frameworks for English primary education
(29 February 2008)
The governance and administration of English primary education (Research Survey 10/2) Maria Balarin and Hugh Lauder. ISBN 978-1-906478-20-9. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 26.
The funding of English primary education (Research Survey 10/1) Philip Noden and Anne West. ISBN 978-1-906478-21-6. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 27.
The trajectory and impact of national reform: curriculum and assessment in English primary schools (Research Survey 3/2) Dominic Wyse, Elaine McCreery and Harry Torrance. ISBN 978-1-906478-22-3. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 29.
Quality assurance in English primary education (Research Survey 4/3) Peter Cunningham and Philip Raymont, ISBN 978-1-906478-23-0. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 28.
Primary teachers: training, development, leadership and workforce reform
(18 April 2008)
Primary schools: the professional environment (Research Survey 6/2) Ian Stronach, Andy Pickard and Liz Jones. ISBN 978-1-906478-25-4. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 23.
Primary teachers: initial teacher education, continuing professional development and school leadership development (Research Survey 6/3) Olwen McNamara, Mark Brundrett and Rosemary Webb. ISBN 978-1-906478-26-1. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 24.
Primary workforce management and reform (Research Survey 6/4) Hilary Burgess. ISBN 978-1-906478-27-8. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 25.
Learning and teaching in primary schools: processes and contexts
(16 May 2008)
Learning and teaching in primary schools: insights from TLRP (Research Survey 2/4) Mary James and Andrew Pollard. ISBN 978-1-906478-30-8. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 20.
Classes, groups and transitions: structures for learning and teaching (Research Survey 9/2) Peter Blatchford, Susan Hallam and Peter Kutnick and Judith Ireson, with Andrea Creech. ISBN 978-1-906478-29-2. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 21.
Primary schools: the built environment (Research Survey 6/1) Karl Wall, Julie Dockrell and Nick Peacey. ISBN 978-1-906478-24-7. For revised version see The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys, ch 22.
The primary curriculum: an alternative vision
(20 February 2009)
Towards a New Primary Curriculum: a report from the Cambridge Primary Review. Part 1: Past and Present, by Robin Alexander and Julia Flutter. ISBN 978-1-906478-31-5. For revised version see Children, their World their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review, ch 13.
Towards a New Primary Curriculum: a report from the Cambridge Primary Review. Part 2: The Future, by Robin Alexander. ISBN 978-1-906478-32-2. For revised version seeChildren, their World their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review, ch 14.