The research survey briefings are listed in numerical order, showing how they were commissioned to inform the CPR’s ten themes. All may be downloaded.
Theme 1: Purposes and values
- 1/1 Aims as policy in English primary education
Primary_Review_RS_1-1_briefing_Aims_as_policy_080118 - 1/2 Aims and values in primary education: England and other countries
Primary_Review_RS_1-2_briefing_Aims_and_values_080118 - 1/3 Aims for primary education: the changing national context
Primary_Review_RS_1-3_briefing_Aims-national_context_080118 - 1/4 Aims for primary education: changing global contexts
Theme 2: Learning and teaching
- 2/1a Children’s cognitive development and learning
Primary_Review_2-1a_briefing_Cognitive_development_learning_071214 - 2/1b Children’s social development, peer interaction and classroom learning
Primary_Review_2-1b_briefing_Social_development_learning_071214 - 2/4 Learning and teaching in primary schools: insights from TLRP
Theme 3: Curriculum and assessment
- 3/1 Curriculum and assessment policy: England and other countries
Primary_Review_RS_3-1_briefing_Primary_curriculum_assessment_080208 - 3/2 The trajectory and impact of national reform: curriculum and assessment in English primary schools
RS_3-2_briefing_Curriculum_assessment_reform_080229 - 3/3 Primary curriculum futures
Primary_Review_RS_3-3_briefing_Primary_Curriculum_Futures_080208 - 3/4 The quality of learning: assessment alternatives for primary education
Theme 4: Quality and standards
- 4/1 Standards and quality in English primary schools over time: the national evidence.
Primary_Review_Tymms_Merrell_4-1_briefing_Standards_Quality_-_National_evidence_071102 - 4/2 Standards in English primary education: the international evidence.
Primary_Review_WhettonRuddockTwist_4-2_briefing_Standards_-_International_evidence_071102 - 4/3 Quality assurance in English primary education
Theme 5: Diversity and inclusion
- 5/1 Children in primary education: demography, culture, diversity and inclusion
Primary_Review_5-1_briefing_Demography-culture-diversity-inclusion_071214 - 5/2 Learning needs and difficulties among children of primary school age: definition, identification, provision and issues
Primary_Review_5-2_briefing_Learning_needs_difficulties_071214 - 5/3 Children and their primary schools: pupils’ voices
Theme 6: Settings and professionals
- 6/1 Primary schools: the built environment
RS_6-1_briefing_160508_Built_environment - 6/2 Primary schools: the professional environment
RS_6-2_briefing_Professional_environment_080418 - 6/3 Primary teachers: initial teacher education, continuing professional development and school leadership development
RS_6-3_briefing_Teacher_training_development_080418 - 6/4 Primary workforce management and reform
Theme 7: Parenting and caring
- 7/1 Parenting, caring and educating
Theme 8: Beyond the school
- 8/1 Children’s lives outside school and their educational impact
Primary_Review_8-1_briefing_Children_s_lives_outside_school_071123 - 8/2 Primary schools and other agencies
Theme 9: Structures and phases
- 9/1 The structure of primary education: England and other countries
Primary_Review_RS_9-1_briefing_Primary_education_structure_080208 - 9/2 Classes, groups and transitions: structures for learning and teaching
Theme 10: Funding and governance
- 10/1 The funding of English primary education
RS_10-1_briefing_Funding_080229 - 10/2 The governance and administration of English primary education