- Evidence, policy and the reform of primary education: a cautionary tale. The 2014 Godfrey Thomson Trust Lecture. University of Edinburgh, 13 May 2014 Alexander-Edinburgh-140513
- The best that had been thought and said? Making a difference with the Cambridge Primary Review Trust. Keynote from launch event for CPRT and its partnership with Pearson, British Academy, London. 23 September 2013 Launch_RJA_keynote_F.pdf
- Neither National Nor a Curriculum? Forum. Volume 54, Number 3. 2012 Neither-National-Nor-a-Curriculum.pdf
- Visions of education, roads to reform: the global educational race and the Cambridge Primary Review Trust Conference keynote, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile 30 October 2012 Alexander_Chile_GMU_lecture_1_121030.pdf
- International evidence, national policy and classroom practice: questions of judgement, vision and trust. Keynote at Third Van Leer International Conference on Education, Jerusalem. 24 May 2012 20120524_Van_Leer_Alexander.pdf (English) 20120524_Van_Leer_Alexander_רובין אלכסנדר.pdf (Hebrew)
- Entitlement, freedom, minimalism and essential knowledge: can the curriculum circle be squared? CPPS Westminster Seminar Keynote, London 23 April 2012 20120423_CPPS_text_Alexander.pdf
- Priorities for a primary curriculum, The Westminster Education Forum Keynote Lecture, London. 10 May 2011 Westminster_Forum_RobinAlexander_May2011.pdf
- Legacies, policies and prospects: one year on from the Cambridge Primary Review, The 2010 Brian Simon Memorial Lecture, London. 6 November 2010 Simon_lecture_in_FORUM_53_1_web.pdf – as revised for Forum in January 2011.
- The perils of policy: success, amnesia and collateral damage in systemic educational reform, Miegunyah Lecture, University of Melbourne. 10 March 2010 Simon_lecture_in_FORUM_53_1_web.pdf – as revised for Forum in January 2011.
- Reform, retrench or recycle? A curriculum cautionary tale. National Curriculum Symposium Keynote, University of Melbourne. 25 February 2010 Alexander_National_Curriculum_Symposium_FINAL.pdf
- World class schools: noble aspiration or globalised hokum? Presidential Address to the British Association for International and Comparative Education, Oxford. 16 September 2009 Alexander_National_Curriculum_Symposium_FINAL.pdf
- Plowden, truth and myth: a warning, College of Teachers Award Ceremony, London. 15 May 2009 http://www.collegeofteachers.ac.uk/sites/default/files/images/Plowden%20truth%20and%20myth_a%20warning.pdf
- The Cambridge Primary Review: emerging perspectives on childhood. Conference on Childhood, Wellbeing and Primary Education presented jointly by the CPR, the Children’s Society and the GTCE, Central Hall, Westminster. 17 March 2008. Childhood_lecture_2.pdf
- Towards a new vision for primary education? Midway through the Cambridge Primary Review. Weavers’ Company Invitational Lecture, Church House, Westminster. 20 November 2007 Weavers_lecture_text_B.pdf