Advisory and steering groups
The Cambridge Primary Review Advisory Committee
(2006-9 unless otherwise indicated)
Appointed by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
- Dame Gillian Pugh (Chair), Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, University of London; Chair of the National Children’s Bureau; former Chief Executive, Thomas Coram Family
- Patricia Clark, Senior Consultant, London Centre for Leadership in Learning
- Christina Coker, Chief Executive, Youth Music
- Kevan Collins, Director of Children’s Services, Tower Hamlets Borough Council (2006-8)
- Sheila Dainton, formerly Education Policy Adviser at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and Advocate for Human Scale Education
- Bernadette Duffy, Head, Thomas Coram Early Childhood Centre, London Borough of Camden
- Adwoa-Buahema Fadahunsi, parent-governor (2006-7)
- Kate Frood, Head Teacher, Eleanor Palmer Primary School, London Borough of Camden (2008-9)
- Professor David Hargreaves, Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge; Associate Director (Development and Research) Specialist Schools and Academies Trust; Senior Associate, DEMOS
- Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer, author, journalist, parenting and family policy consultant
- Diane Hofkins, former primary editor of The Times Educational Supplement
- Anna House, former Head Teacher, Ridgeway Primary School, London Borough of Croydon
- James Hughes-Hallett, Trustee, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
- Pat Jefferson, former Executive Director for Children and Young People, Lancashire County Council
- Melody Moran, Head Teacher, Brentside Primary School, London Borough of Ealing
- Stephen Pisano, Education Consultant for Coram
- Professor Andrew Pollard, Professor of Education in the Institute of Education, University of London, and Director of the ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme
- Usha Sahni, Her Majesty’s Inspector, Ofsted
- Sue Tite, Primary School Adviser for East Riding Local Authority; former Head Teacher, Selby Abbey Primary School, Selby, North Yorkshire.
Ex Officio
- Robin Alexander (Director of the Cambridge Primary Review)
- Dawn Austwick (Chief Executive, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation)
- Catrin Darsley (Cambridge Primary Review Administrator and Committee Secretary)
- Hilary Hodgson (Esmée Fairbairn Foundation)
- Richard Margrave (Director of Communications, Cambridge Primary Review)
- Jo Rideal (Esmée Fairbairn Foundation)
- James Wragg (Esmée Fairbairn Foundation)
The Cambridge Primary Review Management Group
- Hilary Hodgson (chair)
- Robin Alexander
- Dawn Austwick
- Richard Margrave
- Gillian Pugh
- James Wragg
The Cambridge Primary Review Policy Group
- Gillian Pugh (chair)
- Robin Alexander
- Dawn Austwick
- Sheila Dainton
- David Hargreaves
- Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
- Hilary Hodgson
- Pat Jefferson
- Richard Margrave
The Cambridge Primary Review Network Steering Committee
- Philippa Cordingley, Chief Executive, Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE)
- Joe Hallgarten, formerly Director of Programmes, Creativity, Culture and Education
- Hilary Hodgson, formerly Director of Education, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (Chair)
- Neil Hopkin, Executive Headteacher, Rosendale Primary School and Christchurch CE Primary School and Children’s Centres, West Dulwich and Brixton; member of the National Head Teacher Steering Group, SSAT.
- David Reedy, Senior Adviser, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and President, UK Literacy Association
- Judy Sebba, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex
- Mike Younger, Director, Centre for Commonwealth Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Ex officio
- Robin Alexander
- Julia Flutter
- Alison Peacock
CPR regional co-ordinators
- Professor Dominic Wyse, London
- Dr Kate Wall, North East
- Nadine Baker, North West
- Jane Johnston, East Midlands
- Penny Coltman, East Anglia
- Dr Anthony Wilson, South West
- Dr Carol Robinson, South Central
- Vanessa Young, South East
- Diane Swift, West Midlands